
We are big fans of the BBC1 series Outnumbered and if I could bring the showing time forward I would even let my children watch it. Our every day life seems to make the programme ring very true as it is so close to home.

Yesterday my 7 year old, Minnie was in the garden with me. As ever she was wearing a well considered outfit - completely inappropriate of course, and coupled with her farmery green wellies. I was "chicken poo hurling" as we call it - using a (bendy) cat litter spade and a bucket, M was running around the garden with a small fishing/crabbing net. She asked "if I catch a bird can I keep it?" She is so good at dead pan, probably because it was a genuine question, and of course my retort was "NO". Quickly followed up with, "we have 10 chickens why would you want to keep a wild bird?". The discussion continued culminating in her declaring that she was going to catch one and was going to make a bird house out of spare wood and screws!!

Some time later Minnie came into the kitchen, discarded the wellies and net at the back door and said "I've let them be". This was after some determined waiting at the bird table.

My children are pretty adept at navigating their way around the iPlayer - I wonder whether they've plagiarised the script...?
